Topic 1: Online participation and digital literacies
I am a curios person, so I was always interested in learning new things.
Maybe that´s why i tried programming in about 1981, when I was about 10. So I
started my digital journey early. Then I studied a technical
program and became a ICT developer for 15 years. This was a rather hard core
way in using ICT. Was I always a resident (White,
Now as I've studied pedagogy and work as a educational developer with the
focus on ICT. I use ICT in my work, but I also educate in ICT in the education.
Personally i now use ICT a lot with social media, information searching,
blogging and so on. I don't think I'm the "normal" visitor, I'm more
like one extreme resident. ;-)
Therefore I think I'm rather well equipped in the aspect of digital literacy: I
understand the technical aspects
behind and how to do things. I can see how Googles search algorithms can be
created and how data stored from users can be concentrated into useful data.
The risk though to that I am blinded but what I know, so I don't see what I
don't know.
I am publishing myself in different ways in different medias. I'm for
example rather private on Facebook, even though I have some professional collaborations
there. On Twitter and on LinkedIn for example, I stay rather professional. I
also have a Yoga profile, and a writers profile on Facebook. Then I am to other
figures, but with connection with my private and professional identity. On
Instagram I'm only private. I think my identities are connected and not fixed.
In the meeting with others my identities is tested and developed.
In my journey in ONL so far, the most interesting aspect has been the
group. We discuss, reflect and create together. I have done some group work in
my days and I try to inspire teachers to use the students to collaborate and
think together, but I've never experienced it this way. Will it make me more
What about
Visitors are better in handling stress? They can use a tool and then
disconnect. Is that possible for residents? Residents seemed to be connected
all the time with everyone. Is this a crucial part of residency? Stress is not
to be ignored and a big part of society today. Maybe because we’re becoming
more like residents? Or are we just stressed in different ways? Those who
are not comfortable with the digital tools can be afraid...
When I reflect on the visitors and residents model I miss the ones who
aren't even visiting. I lite transformative aspect, you can become a
How do we see the credibility nowadays (White, 2014b)? I liked the comparison that likes and comments
are the currency for this.
2017) enlightened that literacies are in plural, and how to work with Wikipedia
in education rather than discarding it due to credibility. In our group we
could see that there are a lot of people who are skeptic to Wikipedia for
research publishing. Maybe due to credibility? (Belshaw, 2012) also
bring forward the aspect of literacies in plural. He also saw that this is not
on or off, but a scale. The newer systems also makes ICT easier to use. I can
compare with my 70 year old mother in law: She hated computers and the mouse,
but when the tablets arrived she was hooked. We connected friends for hes
in Facebook and the rest is history. We focused on her interests, then she
wanted to develop the skills.
For me this was a interesting question we talked about in out group:
Can you be a
teacher i H.e. without internet. Can you choose not to use it?
I don't think it is really OK. IT is possible today, but not good. And is
it even possible tomorrow? Digital competences is defines as a key competence
by EU.
In Sweden “Högskolelagen”
declares that you have to follow the development within your subject, but also
keep up with the society's development applicable to your subject or teaching.
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