Topic 2: Open learning - Sharing and openness
I think open education can contribute to a more collective learning approach in all kind of higher education. Maybe we can go so far as knowing where to find good OER examples for my own teaching is a key factor for a good teacher in the near future? Maybe THE key factor in the further future? This is the way to keep up with the rest of the world... This kind of education, MOOCs or semi-MOOCs for example, can help us se an example of a different teaching environment. By making, teaching, taking and collaborate through MOOCs we create a common understanding, and we are building upon each other thoughts and teaching practices. I think this is the only way to go; To build the future education together. Weller & Andersson (2013) lifts both challenges and opportunities. I think the phenomenon is likely to change and develop, but persist in some form and then expand. I think the teacher roll is changing, no matter the platform or if it´s a MOOC of not. We will be more of a colla...