
Topic 5 - What have I learned?

What I've learned and the future This has been an interesting journey. It was comfusing at first becase there aresom amny plantforms and places to be all the time. But is has been giving. I was not used to so much collaboration. Not from campus courses, and especially not from distance courses. But it worked! And was also fun! Thanks to my fellow students in my group, and thanks to our two guides, Gizeh Perez Tenorio and Sofie Wennström, I managed to convert from frustration and lack of time, to doing my part (I hope) and finding my way. This way uf using PBL group learning combined with creative collaborative assignment is a good way of learning I think. So I definitly leared something from this cous, but it was mostly from how the course was designed. So this was relly learning from experience as Murthy, Iyer & Warriem (2015) suggests. Learning design should be in focus for any course, but with more blended courses we have to think about it even more. The design gets ...

Topic 4: Design for online and blended learning

Why blend? How to make a good blend? Constructive alignment and focus on what the student does (Biggs & Tang, 2007) is a goal for me, and has been for a long time. It is easy, when you feel unsecure, to focus on what you yourself are doing. And that is not unimportant. But the mail focus shoul be on creating oppotunities for the students to work with their knowledge and to practice what is the learning goal. To keep the verbs in mind, for example "to reflect on", you can create opporutinies for the students to continously reflect. That is, for all kinds of learning design. When it comes to blended learning, I like the definition of blended that emphasize the thoughtful process of design. It is not about how much is online versus on campus, but more about the process (Garrison & Vaughan, 2008). Some define it for example by percentages of online or campus, but how do you define how much is done online? You can for example use online resources in the classroom. ...

Topic 3: Network my learning

To learn together online Topic 3 in the ONL172 course is "Learning in communities – networked & collaborative learning". It has been an interesting subject: I think I'm like most peaople: I like to collaborate. But I think it sometimes is easier to "do it myself". I believe we are constructing knowledge together by articulating our thoughts, by challenging and buildning on each other's thoughts, like Vygotskij expresses. But I also think behaviorist's has something to add. You get quick rewarding feedback by doing it yourself. In the long run I think we have to collaborate and listen a lot to learn. This theme has enlightened the impotance and posibilities on buildning online networks for learning. I am trying to build real collaborative learning experiences online in my teaching. I can see differences when discussions are held in an online forum, compared to video meeting discussions. When you see the face, I see more willingness to really lis...

Topic 2: Open learning - Sharing and openness

I think open education can contribute to a more collective learning approach in all kind of higher education. Maybe we can go so far as knowing where to find good OER examples for my own teaching is a key factor for a good teacher in the near future? Maybe THE key factor in the further future? This is the way to keep up with the rest of the world... This kind of education, MOOCs or semi-MOOCs for example, can help us se an example of a different teaching environment. By making, teaching, taking and collaborate through MOOCs we create a common understanding, and we are building upon each other thoughts and teaching practices. I think this is the only way to go; To build the future education together. Weller & Andersson (2013) lifts both challenges and opportunities. I think the phenomenon is likely to change and develop, but persist in some form and then expand. I think the teacher roll is changing, no matter the platform or if it´s a MOOC of not. We will be more of a colla...

Topic 1: Online participation and digital literacies

I am a curios person, so I was always interested in learning new things. Maybe that´s why i tried programming in about 1981, when I was about 10. So I started my  digital journey  early. Then I studied a technical program and became a ICT developer for 15 years. This was a rather hard core way in using ICT. Was I always a  resident  ( White, 2014 )? Now as I've studied pedagogy and work as a educational developer with the focus on ICT. I use ICT in my work, but I also educate in ICT in the education. Personally i now use ICT a lot with social media, information searching, blogging and so on. I don't think I'm the "normal" visitor, I'm more like one extreme resident. ;-) Therefore I think I'm rather well equipped in the aspect of  digital  literacy : I understand the  technical  aspects behind and how to do things. I can see how Googles search  algorithms  can be created and how data stored from users can be concentrated into...

Learning collaborative - creating together

This first week was i real learning curve: Who are we? What´s this course about really? What should we do? And what should I do? We had two webinars, they were great. We were polite and listening. Everyone is eager to learn. But did we move forward? I don't really know... Thanks to our facilitator something was decided at last minute. I hope we can move things forward during our first topic next week... Thumbs crossed. ;-)

Starting point

Hi, I'm starting this blog to reflect on my learning in the online cure during the online course ONL172 , Open Networked Learning autumn 2017. I work at Mälardalen University with helping teatchers develop their education with ICT. My work is mostly helping, consulting and leadning workshops, but I also teach a course: "Digital pedagogy competence i higher education". That is a course witch we have hade for some years, but from this autumn it is fully online. Earlier we met in physical workshops to test and to discuss different ICT tools together. Now, everything is done online. I see both similarities and differences already between "my course" and this course, ONL172. At first I have had difficulties finding everything for this course, and I'm still nor sure I've found it all. A webinar today was clarifying, but not all clear... It is a lot of tools already to keep track of... The thing I see as most giving for this course right now, is the PBL g...