
Visar inlägg från september, 2017

Starting point

Hi, I'm starting this blog to reflect on my learning in the online cure during the online course ONL172 , Open Networked Learning autumn 2017. I work at Mälardalen University with helping teatchers develop their education with ICT. My work is mostly helping, consulting and leadning workshops, but I also teach a course: "Digital pedagogy competence i higher education". That is a course witch we have hade for some years, but from this autumn it is fully online. Earlier we met in physical workshops to test and to discuss different ICT tools together. Now, everything is done online. I see both similarities and differences already between "my course" and this course, ONL172. At first I have had difficulties finding everything for this course, and I'm still nor sure I've found it all. A webinar today was clarifying, but not all clear... It is a lot of tools already to keep track of... The thing I see as most giving for this course right now, is the PBL g...